Centro Incontri Umani - Ascona

Publications : Aesthetics in Performance - Angela Hobart and Bruce Kapferer


  1. Introduction: The Aesthetics of Symbolic Construction and Experience - Bruce Kapferer and Angela Hobart
  2. Making Grown Men Weep - William O. Beeman
  3. The Buzz of God and the Click of Delight- David Shulman
  4. Songs of Love, Images of Memory-Saskia Kersenboom
  5. The Hindu Temple and the Aesthetics of the Imaginary - Rohan Bastin
  6. Where Divine Horsemen Ride: Trance Dancing in West Africa - Steven M. Friedson
  7. Sorcery and the Beautiful: A Discorse on the Aesthetics of Ritual - Bruce Kapferer
  8. Transformation and Aesthetics in Balinese Masked Performances-Rangda and Barong - Angela Hobart
  9. A Concise Reflection on the Brazilian Carnival - Roberto DaMatta
  10. Bureaucratic Logic, Bureaucratic Aesthetics: The Opening Event of Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Day in Israel - Don Handelman
  11. Compassion for Animals, Indifference to Humans: Non- and Misperceptions among Circus Audiences in 1970s Britain - Yoram S. Carmeli

Ed. Berghahn Books
New York - Oxford (2005)


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